Transforming this holiday rental in Friesland (NL) on a budget certainly isn't one of our typical projects but as we like to broaden our range, we gladly took it upon us. When we first walked into the property the potential of this home was clear from the start, with windows overlooking the water in almost every room, a cozy fireplace and its spacious set up, you could almost envision the perfect holiday there. But, work had to be done. With a dark and outdated appearance the home was in much need of some color and attention. So we decided to give it exactly that, color and attention.
Retro Holiday Home
Interior Design
Interior Styling
Project Information
Client Rental CompanyWhen one of our respected clients askes us if we could transform an outdated holiday rental home on a budget, we saw an opportunity to show this doesn't mean you have to compromise on personality and style. The result is a fun and warm home that puts a smile on your face every time you walk in, which is a pretty good start for a relaxed holiday if you ask us.
We started out by creating a clean slate. Bringing most of the furniture to a good will shop, removing old window blinds and clearing the space from any clutter on the ceiling, walls and floor. A huge transformational tool was updating the flooring by using the Kerakoll Microresina line. The old and damaged flooring was instantly fresh and renewed, while bringing light into the space. Next up, painting. By choosing a fresh white for both the ceiling, walls including the fireplace and windows we created the perfect neutral base to play against some bold color choices. A lively blue color for the old tv cabinet, an olive green for the kitchen and an all yellow entrance hall immediately brought personality to the spaces. For the interior we created spaces with fun color splashes, retro touches and cozy sitting areas.
When a client gives you a budget, make magic. Thats what we stand for, so thats what we deliver.
Who doesn't love some good before and after photos...